Death on the Reik

4th Pflugzeit

The adventurers reach the River Blut in the late afternoon and discover a riverboat adrift after a mutant ambush. After a fight in which duCourt and Flagelant narrowly escape death, the boat is cleared of mutants and Renate Hausier , a pedlar from Grünburg discovered hiding in the boat’s hold. Stein, recent companion of the adventurers, takes the coach and horses and heads for Altdorf.

duCourt, Flagelant and Lavarar are treated by a surgeon in the town of Blutroch. Lavarar seduces Renate and they become lovers for a short time.

5th Pflugzeit

The adventurers buy some equipment and Flagelant gets into an arm wrestle with a local for a hand axe. On board the boat, the adventurers set off down the River Blut.

6th – 7th Pflugzeit

Uneventful river travel.

8th Pflugzeit

The adventurers arrive in Weissbruck late afternoon. Renate goes to her friend Elvyra Kleinestun’s house, trailed by Fitzue, and finds it ransacked. Lavarar, Flagelant and Renate search the house. They discover a note: “This is your final warning! Deliver the goods to the red barn by sunset tonight,” and find Liza Sauber, a young girl who works for Elvyra, hiding in the cellar.

duCourt and Fitzue go to a tavern called The Happy Man and unsuccessfully try to start a gambling session; they meet the other adventurers at a red barn across the canal and discover the kidnappers. After a fight Elvyra is rescued but for some strange reason kidnapped by the adventurers and kept with them tied up in the hold of the boat for a few days. Eventually she is let loose, not surprisingly very angry.

9th – 11th Pflugzeit

River journey to Altdorf. There, Stein rejoins the party.

12th – 15th Pflugzeit

River journey to Delberz. Fitzue goes to see his teacher, Hieronymous Blitzen.

16th – 22nd Pflugzeit

Fitzue studies wizardry.

23rd – 25th Pflugzeit

Back to Altdorf by river. The adventurers encounter Purple Hand cult members, still tracking Fitzue on the mistaken belief that he is Kastor Lieberung.

26 – 28th Pflugzeit

The adventurers sail up the Reik and reach a half-built dwarven signalling tower west of the river. They meet Aynjulls Isembeard, the Dwarven foreman, who tells them that workers have been disappearing. He asks them to investigate the ruined tower the signalling machine is being built on. The adventurers discover a secret door into the wizard Dagmar Wittgenstein’s ruined observatory, kill a ghoul and zombies and raid the libraries. They find a note by Wittgenstein referring to his expedition to find a large piece of warpstone; this leads them to Kemperbad.

29th Pflugzeit – 1st Sigmarzeit

The adventurers continue their journey and arrive at Kemperbad. They meet and employ Franz Schmidt to organize the hire of a warehouse to keep their books and other stolen items in storage.

1st – 4th Sigmarzeit

Following clues, the adventurers travel up the River Stir from Kemperbad to Unterbaum. They meet the Druidic Priest Corrobreth and the villagers of Unterbaum and enlist their aid.

5th – 6th Sigmarzeit

From Unterbaum, led by Corobreth, the adventurers travel by canoe to Devil’s Bowl, a blighted crater with a stone circle in its centre. At night, they encounter a ghost who directs them to nearby caves, where they fight skaven and skeletons—the latter the dead members of Wittgenstein’s expedition—and discover the final part of the key to Wittgenstein’s secret library.

7th – 17th Sigmarzeit

The adventurters travel from Devil’s Bowl back to Unterbaum, Kemperbad and thence to Grissenwald, where dwarfs from the Black Peaks mine are being blamed for raids on outlying homesteads.

On the night of the 14th, duCourt meets and duels Phillipe Descartes at the Mincing Mutant Inn. Descartes is killed.

17th Sigmarzeit

The adventurers arrive at Black Peaks. It soon becomes clear that goblins are responsible for the attacks. The house of Etelka Herzen, member of the Red Throne Tzeentch cult, is searched and the goblins that have taken over the house are killed.

18th – 28th Sigmarzeit

From Grissenwald back to the signalling tower. duCourt, Stein and Fitzue hurry there by horse, chasing Etelka and Ernst Heidelmann, her wizard henchman. On the 28th the five engage in a cat and mouse battle in the countryside; Heidelmann is killed and Stein horribly disfigured by a fireball spell. Etelka escapes after exchanging taunts with duCourt.

29th Sigmarzeit

The rest of the group arrives by boat; Wittgenstein’s secret library is accessed and ransacked by the adventurers.

30th Sigmarzeit – 2nd Somerzeit

Travel from the signalling tower to Kemperbad.

3rd – 16th Somerzeit

The adventurers rest and recuperate in Kemperbad. A book auction on the 10th garners some funds and they re-equip.

17th Somerzeit

The adventurers leave Kemperbad. Stein stays behind, ending his adventuring career.

18th Somerzeit

In the afternoon the adventurers arrive in Wittgendorf and explore the village that lies in the shadow of Castle Wittgenstein.

An abandoned temple of Sigmar is explored, the ghouls who have taken it over warned off and the sword Barrakul (‘Hope of the Mountains’) discovered in the crypts and taken by Flagelant. The adventurers sleep the night in the temple.

19th Somerzeit

The adventurers confront Jean Rosseaux, village physician but actually a charlatan, at his house.
Three guards from the castle are killed by the adventurers at the Shooting Star inn and the adventurer’s boat is impounded.

The adventurers are contacted by forest outlaws who have fled the harsh, insane rule of the Wittgenstein family. They are taken to their camp, where both Lavarar and duCourt attempt unsuccessfully to charm their way into the tent and favours of Sigrid, the outlaw chief.

20th Somerzeit

The adventurers are led by Hilda Eysenck, one of the outlaws, to a secret entrance through caves to the castle. On the way they fight and kill Kratz, the sergeant of the guard, and his men. Hilda goes back to the camp, and the party gets through the caves and enters the outer compound of the castle.
Lavarar disguises himself as a beggar and explores some of the out buildings.

As the sun sets and a raging storm begins, the adventurers stealthily kill guards in the castle’s gatehouse, but the alarm is raised and the bulk of the rest of the guards are killed in a huge battle in the keep. A few survivors flee to the middle tower and pull up the drawbridge.

The adventurers get the outlaw band, then accompanied by four outlaws, they bluff their way into the inner castle via a river entrance and explore the castle dungeons. They then explore the inner castle and kill some of its occupants. Eventually they encounter Etelka Herzen trying to force the location of the warpstone out of Lady Magritte von Wittgenstein while the latter attempts to create an undead monster. There is a climactic battle. Herzen escapes using a flight potion, Magritte is captured and Flagelant is critically wounded.

In the castle’s temple, dedicated to the Chaos god Slaanesh, there is a battle. Fitzue is critically wounded but manages to fireball an underground tunnel infested by skaven, down which Herzen flees.

The castle begins collapsing and the adventurers run to safety, just remembering to retrieve the immobile Flagelant at the last moment.

The village is destroyed by the an earthquake. One outlaw, Wolf Schneider, survives from those who accompanied the adventurers into the inner castle; he decides to stay with the group.

duCourt gives the surviving villages 200 GCs to rebuild their village.

21st – 22nd Somerzeit

Uneventful river travel down the river Reik.

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