02 Jun 05

A good friend of mine, Peter Miller, when not doing sound design for movies such as The Ring or composing his own music, somehow also finds the time to create stunning digital artworks. He first exhibition biologika opens in June and features thirteen large format prints of his creations, which mysteriously straddle the line between mathematical inevitability and organic happenstance (he describes them far more effectively). If you’ve ever been frustrated with the efforts so far of artists trying to create beauty with computers, you’ll be amazed and delighted with these images.
To celebrate, I’ve created a new website for him, which I invite you to view at perpetualocean.com. While you’re there be sure to check out his acclaimed music catalogue. Or to go straight to the beautiful biologika images.
Update: Check out the opening night pics.
09 Dec 04
It started so innocently. I needed a way to record the software and hardware I’d bought for work, to keep track of serial numbers and warranties. And then—insanely—I caught the databasing bug. First my books, then CDs, then games, then DVDs, all fell like dominoes into a neatly organised set of records. In response to the jeers of friends and family I vainly tried to justify the whole exercise as being incredibly handy should the house burn down or everything I own being stolen. But the truth is—and I think I can admit it now—it just gives me a warm little feeling inside.
If you know what I’m talking about, and you happen to own a copy of Filemaker Pro version 6 or above, today’s your lucky day, because to celebrate the new look site (and as a little Xmas present) I’m giving away to my Headless Hollow readers the lovingly-crafted templates for my Hardware, Software, Book, Music, Game and DVD databases. Use them individually or download the Head control panel that gives easy access to all. Just click Freebies in the nav bar and get databasing you crazy geek you!
17 Jun 04
A reader asked me what font I used for the Headless Hollow masthead and the section titles. Inspired by an old edition of Jonathon Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (George G. Harrap & Company, 1922) I found in a second hand bookstore in Sydney, I scanned in a hand-drawn title page from the book, then made up the titles in Photoshop from the letters, purposely keeping the size differences. So unfortunately it’s not available as a font … it’s a one-off! The book is also beautifully illustrated in a somewhat Aubrey Beardsley-esque style. The red fabric texture also comes from this book, though the parchment background is from another.
14 May 04
My personal site features travel diaries from trips all over the globe. The most recent is Turkey but there are writings and photos from North and South America, Egypt and India as well.
Tékumel: The World of the Petal Throne
The huge official site for Tékumel, an imaginary world that is the life’s work of an American linguistics Professor, M.A.R. Barker – and easily the match for Tolkein’s Middle-Earth in detail.
The Telltales
Site for independent Sydney band The Telltales features pics, music and movies. A successful debut CD is out there and the second is close to completion.
14 May 04
This site was built on a template provided by one of my favourite online designers, Todd Dominey. As the site expands I’ll be personalising and changing the design—already the only things remaining from the original template are the basic layout, the typography, and of course the overall inspiration of an old book.
14 May 04
The latest update for www.universalhead.com has recently been completed.
The redesign features a new colour scheme, along with Latest Work and Latest News features. Read what David Mulholland, manager of Jands (Australia’s audio, lighting and staging specialists), had to say about working with Universal Head on his company’s new site design at jands.com.au.
14 May 04
Announcing a new Cinema4D website: www.cinema4duser.com !
Cinema4DUser is a new site that exists to provide you with only the best quality material and information about your favourite 3D software. That’s why you’ll only find professional-level resources: high resolution textures, high-quality models, images, animations, articles, tips and tutorials from 3D professionals.
Cinema4duser.com is now open and soliciting submissions and feedback from 3D professionals like you who use C4D. Have a look through the site and see what you can contribute. With the help of the global C4D community we can make this site one of the premiere C4D sites on the web.
Design 3D
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