Quiet Around Here …


Yep, sorry about that. I’ve been doing regular articles lately for the Games Paradise and Toys Paradise commercial blogs, and I haven’t had time to do personal writing. I’m now creating all the articles and article graphics for both blogs. Both are all about promoting products for sale at the online stores of course, but I do get to throw in some more personal reviews and opinions now and again on the Games Paradise one. Feel free to drop by and leave a comment now and again!

On other news, I’ve finally been doing some work on my own card game design—yes, you heard it hear first, Universal Head is finally working on his own game! In fact I’ve vowed to publish it this year if at all possible, so stay tuned for more news on that as it develops.

As always, updates to existing game sheets and brand new ones keep hitting my Game Sheets section. There’s been a small update to the very popular Arkham Horror sheets and updates to Battles of Westeros and Space Hulk 3rd Edition. There are brand new sheets for FFG’s Civilization: The Board Game (I haven’t even played it yet) and the very funny Invasion From Outer Space from Flying Frog Games (just try to play the alien invader without making “dak dak dak” noises). Isla Dorada is also new (again, have yet to play it). Enjoy!

Other random tidbits. Visit the fascinating blog of London eclecticist Tears of Envy. Watch the over-the-top violence, sex and surprisingly entertaining plotlines of Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Gaze upon the three astounding Dr. Grordbort’s miniature rayguns my girl got me for Xmas (the Goliathon 83 Aether Oscillator, the Pearce 75 Atom Ray Gun, and the F.M.O.M Wave Disruptor Gun). Read Mike Mignola’s excellent Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder: In the Service of Angels (go ahead Mike, steal all my ideas you bastard!) Tear yourself away from the addictive iPad—the closest thing yet to sci-fi actually being here now.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Christian
    Apr 15, 2011 @ 00:01:31


    just came by ur site today after a recommendation at boardgamegeek! Great stuff! and thx a lot for all of them gamesheets!


  2. universalhead
    Apr 16, 2011 @ 14:17:08

    It’s a pleasure, good gaming to you.