The Walking Dead
Jun 03
Wow. If you’re in any way a zombie fan, check out Series 1 of The Walking Dead. Episodes of this stunning series (based on the comics by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard) left me alternately jumping an inch off the couch in shock, holding back tears and gasping with relief or excitement.
Plot wise, there’s nothing particularly new here—man wakes up in hospital to discover the zombie apocalypse has arrived, survivors band together; the usual zombie tropes—but The Waking Dead cleverly concentrates on the characters and the human drama instead of the gore and the zombie-killing. Not to mention scenes that actually make you feel real sympathy for the zombies and the people they once were. It’s definitely gory however, and sensitive types (my girlfriend among them) should probably steer clear, but if they do they’ll be missing out on some extremely high quality acting, scriptwriting and production.
The Walking Dead does for zombies what the new Battlestar Galactica did for scifi. It’s a frustratingly short series of only 6 episodes, but a 13-episode second series is on the way later this year.
Jun 03, 2011 @ 12:40:38
Loved this show!
Was so impressed that they captured the spirit of most of the characters with out forcing them to recreate the books in entirety.
And, as much as I love the books, (and almost anything written by Robert Kirkman,) I am really enjoying new stories and twists, so that it imparts NO security of knowing what’s up next for the travelers… I mean, if you can feel comfort and predictability making an appearance, it isn’t The Walking Dead!
Jun 03, 2011 @ 14:28:32
I’ll have to check out the comics, I haven’t read them yet.