Databasing Geeks Rejoice!
Dec 09
It started so innocently. I needed a way to record the software and hardware I’d bought for work, to keep track of serial numbers and warranties. And then—insanely—I caught the databasing bug. First my books, then CDs, then games, then DVDs, all fell like dominoes into a neatly organised set of records. In response to the jeers of friends and family I vainly tried to justify the whole exercise as being incredibly handy should the house burn down or everything I own being stolen. But the truth is—and I think I can admit it now—it just gives me a warm little feeling inside.
If you know what I’m talking about, and you happen to own a copy of Filemaker Pro version 6 or above, today’s your lucky day, because to celebrate the new look site (and as a little Xmas present) I’m giving away to my Headless Hollow readers the lovingly-crafted templates for my Hardware, Software, Book, Music, Game and DVD databases. Use them individually or download the Head control panel that gives easy access to all. Just click Freebies in the nav bar and get databasing you crazy geek you!
Dec 14, 2004 @ 05:48:41
Hey Pete,
You need a place to post ‘General’ comments, so that if I want to say that the guy who’s making the LOTR Monopoly is also a bigger geek than you, I have somewhere to say it…
(Also, LOTR and Monopoly? WHY? doesn’t it kind of miss the point? I mean Sauron on the Trading Floor? Gandalf swapping Shadowfax for a Porsche? I don’t get it…